Total Cleanse - A Summary Guide to Juice Fasting, Cleansing, & Ways to Detox

Total Cleanse - A Summary Guide to Juice Fasting, Cleansing, & Ways to Detox

Total Cleanse - A Summary Guide to Juice Fasting, Cleansing, & Ways to Detox
By Ed Descault

There are a Number of ways to detoxify your body. A Food based diet is generally the easiest on the body as its mostly high fiber grains, vegetables, and lots of water with veggie and fruit juices. An extreme and dangerous form of a total cleanse is when you are only consuming water, I would stay away from this form of cleanse as it can do more harm than good to your body. The best method and one I typically use is a juicing fast and detox. This is done through taking in many liters of pure filtered water and consuming plentiful fruit and vegetable juice. What results from this, is that your body is not working very hard and is able to remove blockages from clogging your colon but will still let you take in all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need to survive and have your whole body cleanse.

People's bodies are often clogged with tons of buildup in the colon from many years of eating terribly with high fatty foods, sugary drinks, and a severe deficiency in fiber intake. Many folks say they know the basics about health but because of the lack of a body cleanse often the healthy foods they eat and the supplements they take typically get sent right through the digestive system. The reason for this is the clogged gut and colon mentioned prior, this is typically the leading cause of why supplements don't seem to have as great an effect on our health as we would like to and why the healthy foods we consume don't seem to be having the impact we expect even when vigorously exercising as well.

It stands to reason then that the removal of this waste and fecal matter is pivotal to the entire health of the human body so that it can clean the pathways to which the body removes waste and absorbs all the good things found in supplements and healthy foods.

Please do not fast for more than three days unless you have consulted and are under the supervision of a doctor. Some people should not attempt to do juice fasts or a detox, this would primarily apply to Pregnant and Nursing women. Nobody should juice fast either before or after surgical procedures. Folks with chronic conditions should only do a whole body cleanse under medical supervision. Juice fasting can reduce blood proteins and change how prescription drugs can react with your body. As such, you should seek the guidance of a experienced and certified detoxification specialist before you attempt any Juice Fast. Never change, modify or stop taking any medications you may have been prescribed until you speak to a doctor first.

The Total Cleanse Guide is a completely free resource with tips, guides, recipes and other useful information to allow you to get a complete cleanse and detoxify your body while also targeting particular issues or ailments as well.

A Whole Body Cleanse CAN be achieved if you follow the guidelines on the site.

Article Source:,-Cleansing,-and-Ways-to-Detox&id=2599352


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